University of Technology Mauritius
The University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM) is a higher education and research public institution that operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and is governed by the provisions of the UTM Act 2000. It was created in 2000. The University of Technology, Mauritius comprises four (4) Schools and one Doctoral (1) School recently launched. It offers a wide range of multidisciplinary academic and professional training courses in different fields such as Business, Management, Accounting Finance, Sustainable Development and Tourism, Innovative Technologies and Engineering, and Health Sciences among others.
Website: Link to the University of Technology Mauritius website
University of Technology Mauritius (UTM)
Ave De La Concorde, La Tour Koenig, Pointe-aux-Sables.
phone: Tel: (+230) 207 5250 Fax: (+230) 234 67 27